

必赢242net张力老师课题组 Zhang Vision Group (https://fudan-zvg.github.io) 现招收博士后研究员一名。课题组研究方向涵盖计算机视觉与深度学习方向,具体包括神经网络理论研究、2D/3D视觉感知。课题组研究成果多次发表在计算机视觉顶级会议上,并多次在国际计算机视觉任务排行榜中取得榜首成绩。实验室拥有丰富的GPU计算资源,目前与牛津大学,Facebook AI,Google AI等多家海外顶级高校与研究机构建立了密切合作关系。




1. 已经或者即将拥有计算机视觉、机器学习等相关领域的博士学位;

2. 具有极强的编程能力以及拥有2D/3D 目标检测、语义分割、实例分割或者Transformer项目背景经验;

3. 在计算机视觉顶会(CVPR, ECCV, ICCV)或机器学习顶会(ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR) 发表过第一作者文章;

4. 品格端正,富有爱心,具有良好的口头与书面表达交流能力,团队协作精神和良好的学术道德和严谨的科学态度。


1. 根据必赢242net博士后薪资待遇标准,学院提供有竞争力的薪资待遇, 具体薪资可面议;

2. 全职博士后在站期间若获得“中国博士后创新人才支持计划”或“上海市超级博士后激励计划”资助,在计划执行期间,薪酬一般不低于35 万元/年;

3. 全职博士后享受必赢242net博士后一切其他标准待遇。


青年研究员,上海科技青年35人引领计划(35U35),伦敦玛丽女王大学电子工程与计算机科学系博士,牛津大学工程科学系博士后研究员,英国剑桥三星人工智能研究院研究科学家。其研究成果多次发表在计算机视觉顶级会议上,并多次在国际计算机视觉任务排行榜中取得榜首成绩。其发表的论文据Google Scholar统计总引用次数超过3200次,担任多个顶级期刊与会议的审稿人与组委会成员。实验室目前与牛津大学,Facebook AI,Google AI,华为诺亚研究院等多家国内外顶级高校与研究机构建立了密切合作关系。






有意申请者,请将个人简历、成绩单、推荐人信息发送至张力老师邮箱 lizhangfd@fudan.edu.cn 

We are seeking an experienced full-time Postdoctoral Researcher in computer vision and deep learning to join Zhang Vision Group (https://fudan-zvg.github.io) led by Professor Li Zhang at the School of Data Science (Handan campus), Fudan University. 

ZVG is an internationally leading research group that has numerous top venue papers and has close links with some of the top research institutes such as University of Oxford, Facebook AI and Google AI.

You will be required to develop and implement novel computer vision and deep learning algorithms to recognize, detect and segment objects in the 2D image or 3D point cloud scene. You will also write reports on your research, and publish these as papers in leading conferences and journals.

You should possess a doctorate, or be near completion of a doctorate, in Computer Vision, Machine Learning or a relevant subject, together with a strong publication record at principal computer vision conferences (CVPR, ECCV, ICCV) or machine learning conferences (ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR) with strong coding skill and a background of 2D/3D object detection, semantic/instance segmentation or Transformer.

You will be required to send your CV, transcripts, a brief statement of research interests (describing how past experience and future plans fit with the advertised position) and the details of two referees to lizhangfd@fudan.edu.cn

Personal homepage:https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~lz/

Group page: https://fudan-zvg.github.io